Donna Category Posts

co working space

Growing in a Cosharing Space

Growing in a difficult market, can put pressure on businesses.  But it is possible to thrive in a tough economy, and even gain market dominance.  Working from home as a solopreneur, consultant, creative or other service-related industry can provide distractions or other days to day issues that pop up, that you don’t get when working … Read more


Are you tempted to move your business back home?

As we near the end of the financial year, it’s always a good time to assess outgoings, to know where we need to make changes, to ensure we move forward with growing our businesses and bank balances. For most business owners, the largest expense is normally going to be the premise in which we are … Read more

co working space

Saying NO to normal work practices

Saying no to normal work practices can be very hard to do. Especially when you are trying to build up a successful business. You don’t want to blend into the background and do what is normally done. But at the same time, you don’t want to do what everyone else is doing just for the sake of … Read more


Getting Aligned, Staying Aligned

Alignment is when your outward actions reflect your internal values. This month at The Lab we are focusing on Alignment. Most of the issues we face in life and in our business are due to misalignment. You could almost venture to say that all problems are somehow due to alignment. MISALIGNED EXPECTATIONS Expectations can be … Read more



STUCK PREPARING Recently at one of our Morning Think Tanks at The Lab we had a conversation around our habit of getting stuck preparing for action. We can often find ourselves spending lots of time and energy on the preparation for action as a means for avoiding the action itself. This sort of behaviour pattern … Read more


TEDtalks on Creativity

Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? Ken Robinson is a British speaker, author, and education enthusiast. His talk discusses the stigmatisation behind creative mistakes and encourages changes to our educational systems. Ken Robinson touches on the hierarchy of education systems around the world and the pyramid of subject favourability- mathematics and languages being highly favoured, followed by humanities, leaving the arts at the bottom. Ken says, “by the time they get to be adults, most … Read more


Your Hot Desking Solution

Hot desking is an office organisation system which involves multiple workers using a single physical work station or surface during different time periods. We are so excited to announce we are launching the next phase in our Lab Factory journey. For business owners, travelling businesses or students requiring a collaborative environment to focus, our new … Read more


Serviced office vs Collaborative Space – What’s the difference?

As the three founding members of The Lab Factory hit the pavement letting the Perth Business Community know about this amazing collaborative space, there was a common misunderstanding out there. Many of the business owners we talked with initially thought that a collaborative was a fancy term for a serviced office. So, what is the … Read more


What stage are you and your team at? Honeymoon, Storming, or Norming?

Donna Bates, from On Point! Strategy, and founding partner of The Lab Factory says that in all big projects there are three distinct phases to start up. The Honeymoon Phase, The Storming Phase, and The Norming Phase. It’s important to understand that these are all normal, and part of working on a project. The Honeymoon Stage … Read more