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coworking space in Rockingham

5 Ways Co-Working Space Can Save Your Business Money

Co-Working Space is a great way for business owners to reduce costs and expand into new markets. Shared office space provides direct access to all the perks and facilities offered by conventional office space but without the need to enter into a traditional lease with all the hidden costs that accompany it. With contracts that … Read more

colleagues discussing in coworking space

Reasons Why A Co-Working Space Can Be Good For Your General Wellbeing

Co-working spaces are membership-based facilities where diverse individuals or independent professionals work together in a shared, communal environment. The popularity of shared-workspaces has increased significantly fueled largely by the increase in remote workers and freelancers. Coworking has helped thousands of entrepreneurs turn their passions into thriving businesses that they can grow into substantial companies. So … Read more

man working in coworking space

Why Are Coworking Spaces Growing In Australia?

Coworking spaces are so popular in Australia that a recent study estimated that they would triple in number by 2030. The rise of project-based companies in the last few years has contributed to the popularity of flexible workspaces, but there are more reasons why the demand for coworking spaces continues to be massively impressive. Reasons … Read more

young woman in coworking space

What Exactly is a Co-working Space?

The Co-working Boom In these changing times, the modern workplace has evolved from single-company offices to co-working spaces that are open to freelancers, small businesses, and start-ups. Not only are these great for people who need to be mobile, but co-working spaces are also a more cost-effective option for companies on a budget. So, what … Read more

coworking space rockingham

The Benefits of Using a Coworking Space for Your Business

What is Coworking Space? Coworking spaces provide small businesses and freelance workers a room to work and network without the rate and legalities of a rented office. It is also called co-sharing space and is ideal for solo entrepreneurs and start-up businesses looking to work elsewhere than their homes. How Your Business Could Benefit from … Read more

Coworking Environment

How Your Business Can Benefit from a Coworking Environment

If there’s anything that can stop your business from doing its best, it’s the worry of having to constantly maintain a fully functional office. But things can get tough, as we have seen in our present situation with COVID-19 – and we all need a breather.  Let’s face it: paying for building permits, renting an … Read more

Start working day, empty office with turned off computers, ready for business, free space

Hot Desking During COVID-19

What is Hot Desking? Modern companies, especially startups, are innovating when it comes to office dynamics. When we say ‘hot desking’, it means that each employee has no assigned desks or cubicles. Instead, they can take whatever seat is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Many office workers of today prefer hot desking as it … Read more

co working space

Growing in a Cosharing Space

Growing in a difficult market, can put pressure on businesses.  But it is possible to thrive in a tough economy, and even gain market dominance.  Working from home as a solopreneur, consultant, creative or other service-related industry can provide distractions or other days to day issues that pop up, that you don’t get when working … Read more


How to get a natural boost for your business

Many people spend many hours working in a boring office space with little to look at other than a computer screen. Stuck indoors for an average of a 8 hour working day. Commuting to and from work in a car or public transport. Lunch spent eating at your desk. All that can whittle the day … Read more


Top Tips for a better Christmas

Had a good Christmas but think it could have been better? Here are some Top Tips to make sure This Christmas helps to make Next Christmas even better! Go Dasher! Did you spend much of Christmas Day rushing around, dashing between different houses to see all the relatives? Suggest for next year specific days for … Read more