February 25, 2019

Results instead of Resolutions


February 25, 2019

Results instead of Resolutions



Results instead of Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions. Its like a blank slate. Easy to make, hard to keep! Many studies have showed more than 80% of year’s resolutions fail before Valentine’s day.

So as we come to the end of February, how many of you out there made resolutions and have kept them going?

If you are one of the 80% and resolutions are a thing of the past already, don’t despair! What you need is results instead of resolutions.

Why don’t they work?

The Huffington Post gives us 5 very simple reasons why New Year’s Resolutions don’t work.

They tell us that January is a bad time to make changes as there is far too much going on to be able to give your new goals the effort and motivation they deserve. Wishy-washy resolutions with no planning or support network which were only made on January 1st as it’s a socially acceptable time of year to do it is a sure-fire way to fall off the resolutions wagon and fall HARD!

So, how can we set goals, both personal and professional, that are meaningful and actually achieve results?

The Time is Now

If January is the worst time, don’t limit yourself to only one time of year! The old proverb:

“No time like the present, a thousand unforeseen circumstances may interrupt you at a future time”

encourages us to seize the day and not wait. So now that all the end of year holiday fuss is finished, schools are well into their first term and autumn is on the horizon, now is a perfect time to re-focus, re-asses and re-energise your goals for the rest of 2019.

Why wait until next year when you can make changes today and see results tomorrow!

Keeping it SMART

One way you can start today is by making sure you are making goals, not wishes. Using SMART criteria gives your goals the substance and steps you need to make them achievable. The use of positive language puts you on the right foot going forward. Breaking your goals into steps means that you can keep track of your progress and see when you are falling down.

Making SMART goals is one thing, but when you have no one to share them with, you don’t have any accountability or support.

Many small businesses are exactly that. Small. Which means they don’t have the internal network of the larger companies for planning and support.

Together, not alone

Joining a co-sharing office space such as The Lab Factory means that you join an instant network of like-minded businesses who have a passion for not only their own business, but also for collaborating with others to reach outstanding results that, in reality,  probably wouldn’t be possible on their own.

Providing an office space with all the facilities that a small business might otherwise not be able to afford, The Lab Factory could potentially help you reach some business goals.

With a plethora of expertise, life experiences and perspectives, our Labbies can become your support network. From sensible reality checks to out of the box ideas, The Lab Factory has the ability to stretch your business goals further than you might have thought, while at the same time keeping goals realistic.

And the businesses within The Lab Factory could provide skills needed to fill those areas where your own talents might not stretch to, including

On Point Strategy– Business & Marketing Strategists

Life As Art– Photographers

Parklife– Designers – Digital | Graphics | Print | Products

ORR VA/PA Services – Virtual assistant

For a full list of all our Labbies, Click Here

Sounds like the results you want? Be SMART and Click Here to enquire how you can become a Labbie!
