September 1, 2020

Tips For A Productive Workspace

The Lab Factory Team

September 1, 2020

Tips For A Productive Workspace

The Lab Factory Team

productive workspace

Working from home may have a lot of advantages. However, if you’re not careful, you could easily fall into a routine of working longer than you should. Before you know it, there are no boundaries between your work life and home life.

Don’t despair. Working at a co-sharing space is an effective way to work locally, without having to work in your home. Here are some tips on how you can make your workspace even more productive.

1. Delegate tasks in your workstation

When you’re seated at your desk for the entire day, it’s easy to get tired and burn out. Creating zones in your workspace is essential to removing the monotony of sitting all day. Booking a meeting room gives you a space where you can make calls away from your desk, so you’re not confined to your desk the whole day. Alternatively take yourself across the street to the park and have a little walk while you make your phone calls.

2. Place inspirational decorations

It can be a banner, an inspirational quote, or anything that can encourage you to work. Sometimes you can get off track when you’re working alone. Suddenly you find yourself scrolling social media instead of writing that report you’ve been avoiding all morning. It helps if you have something that can inspire you or perk you up. A vision board or a picture of your family may be a great reminder of why you are working so hard.

3. Organise your desk

A cluttered desk is not only an eyesore, but it can also hamper your productivity. Don’t spend half of the day searching for the paperwork that you’re going to work on for today. Organise your desk so that it’s easier to grab a file whenever it’s needed.

4. Set the mood with a pleasant scent

Scents significantly affect your mood. And an unpleasant smell can ruin your mood, thus, affecting your productivity. That’s why at The Lab Factory we have a diffuser with natural Essentials Oils going during the day. Essential oils are a great way to liven up your senses and spark your creativity.

Wrapping up

Your productivity has a lot to do with your workspace! A cluttered workspace is tantamount to a cluttered workflow. Changing up your workspace can help you to not suffer burnout in the long run. Implement these tips today and see how your productivity improves.

If you’re tired of working from home and are interested in trying out a desk at The Lab Factory, book one of our hot desks. See for yourself how working in a professional workspace increases your productivity.
